About Angie

Want the short version?

I am absolutely passionate about creating the best learning experience.
Content to wrestle? Tech restraints to figure out? Sign me up!
Most of my experience is in healthcare, higher ed, career training, and sales.
I love learning about your work.

Need the longer version? Or the formal bio?

Angie has significant experience as an instructional designer and trainer.

She started as a technical writer at a small curriculum company and quickly moved into curriculum design and development. Working with a team of engineers creating career and technical curriculum, Angie learned how to write valid assessments, break down complex steps into their simplest form, and produce videos. She stepped into a role leading the training team and taught teachers across the U.S. how to integrate computer-based curriculum with hands-on learning experiences. 

Next Angie worked as a technical educator, embedded on the IT team at a Penn State Hershey Medical Center, a major hospital. She designed and led training solutions for both IT security and then with the electronic medical record system used by physicians and nurses to document patient care. 

For a shorter commute, Angie joined Penn Medicine Lancaster General Hospital and the affiliated Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, as a trainer and instructional designer. She designed custom e-Learning modules for external and internal clients. With organizational restructuring, her role expanded into course design and faculty development, giving her experience with instructor coaching and program management. She loved the work and honed new skills, yet it was a step away from her passion – designing and developing learning solutions.

In 2019 Angie started River Birch Learning, a one-person consultancy that provides custom learning design. She loves working on projects of varying sizes, including full curriculum design, project management, aligning assessments to objectives, helping other IDs to troubleshoot tricky Storyline interactions, and more. Angie is absolutely passionate about solving problems and helping employees and students learn so that they can have a better life. 

She works remotely from a little old cottage in the woods in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

After 20+ years of experience, Angie is a natural coach and mentor for early career designers. She loves forming strong working relationships with experts and team members to build the best experience for learners.

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